This fix is for Intel-based MACs on first setup of a Thunderbolt LTO drive (Rev C) where the drivers have been installed and the LTO drive(s) are detected by the system.  In the event you can detect LTO drives on your Intel based MAC, but cannot issue commands from software or otherwise, you may need to downgrade the BootROM firmware to version 1.59 on your rev C Thunderbolt enclosure to resume operations with an Intel-based MAC.  

Step 1: Install ArcSAP

ArcSAP macOS Installer

ArcSAP Windows Installer

ArcSAP Manual 

Step 2: In ArcSAP click the collapse button on the left-hand side of LocalHost.  Select ARC-1686-8I.  

If your BootROM version is 1.59 or below stop here as you have the correct version for Intel-based MACs, and should troubleshoot elsewhere.

If the BootROM is version 1.6 or higher, then continue to step 3. 

Step 3: Click "Advanced Features", which will open a web browser and prompt you for a username (admin) and password (0000).

Step 4: Select "System Controls" to collapse the menus, and then select "Upgrade Firmware".  Then "Choose File"  and load the ARC1686BOOT.86 file.  Click Submit and you should receive a confirmation that the firmware updated successfully.  

Note: The firmware update must be performed from an Intel-based MAC or Windows device.  M1 or above Apple devices do not allow you to update the firmware via this method.  

Step 5:  Reboot your MagStor device and your MAC.  

This should allow you to use your MagStor device on an Intel-based MAC.